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5th KYU
Technical program from 5th to 4th Kyu
Yellow belt to Orange belt
Gokyu to Yonkyu
Attend a YKKF National Seminar
Tachi Waza Standing Techniques 立技
Oshi Daoshi Pushing Topple 押倒
Kote Mawashi (Saru Suberi) Wrist Roundhouse (Monkey Sliding) 小手回 (猿滑)
Uchi Ude Gaeshi Inside Arm Reversal 内腕返
Tsuri Komi Nage Angling action Throw 釣込投
Ude Osae Dori Arm Pressing Art 腕押踊
Mune Osae Dori Chest Pressing Art 胸押踊
Idori Waza Seated Tecniques 居取技
Daki Jime Hugging Constriction 抱締
Ude Osae Dori Arm Pressing Art 腕押踊
Mune Osae Dori Chest Pressing Art 胸押踊
Kihon Waza Basic tecniques 基本技
Shuto Uchi Knife Hand Strike 小刀打
Metsubushi Crushing the Eyes 目潰
Empi Ude Uchi (Monkey’s Arm) Elbow Strike 猿臂腕打
Teisho Uchi Palm Hell Strike 手掌打
Ushiro Geri Rear Kick 後蹴
Kime Waza Finishing Tecniques 極技
Uchi Ude Gaeshi Inside Arm Reversal 内腕返
Kataha Hikitate Single Wing Prisoner March 偏片引立
Soto Osae Dori (Ikkyo) First Principle (Outsaide Pressing Art) 外押踊 (一教)
Mae Ude Hineri Front Arm Twist 前腕捻
Goshinjutsu Self Defence 護身術
Shitate Kakae Gaeshi Waza Body Holds under the arms reversal techniques 下手抱返技
Uwate Kakae Gaeshi Waza Body Holds over the arms reversal techniques 上手抱返技
Tori Gaeshi Waza Grabbing reversal techniques 捕返技
Futari Kata Toshu No Bu Shodan Two person form unarmed first degree 二人型徒手の武初段
Ukemi Waza Receiving Body/Breakfall 受身技
Shiho Ukemi . .
Gakusetsu Dojo Rules of Cunduct .
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